A look at the levels of educational achievement among incarcerated inmates.
This paper provides a brief review of the literature pertaining to educational achievement among incarcerated inmates. Early, survey-based research suggested that incarcerated students showed higher educational achievement. In contrast, later research that used a standardized testing as a means of assessing student achievement showed that there were no differences in educational achievement between inmates
write an essay morning walk and traditional on-campus students. The paper notes that a great deal of further research is required before we can fully determine the achievement of incarcerated
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Educational achievement among incarcerated inmates is little understood. Incarcerated inmates are often seen as lacking in key critical thinking skills that may reduce their ability to perform well in higher education. This lack of critical thinking ability is sometimes seen as correlated to their tendency to commit crimes and appear in the criminal justice system. At the same time, these inmates are seen as having a high degree of commitment and motivation to higher education.